Monday, May 17, 2010

Narrative #2

Ever since I was a little boy I have been told what is right and what is wrong in this world. My government has always had the upper hand on my people and I think it’s time we say something about it. We shall start a revolution against our communist government and begin a new life without censorship. I am sick and tired of the blindness that we live in everyday; we need to pull the blindfolds from our eyes and live our lives the way we want to.
No matter what I do to free myself from their grips I can never find a way. No matter where I go I can feel them watching every move I make. They control almost every aspect of my life in some way and they do not care to hide it. They believe what they do is for the good of our people but the truth is it’s not truth at all it is tampered with to fit their views.
I know if you are reading this from china… well you won’t be reading this because it will be censored. It will be removed from the internet because it is going against what they want you to hear and know. My message will never reach who I want it to and this mind as well not exist, but for the few who might see it stand up for what you believe in and never stop fighting until the truth is revealed.

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