Monday, May 17, 2010


They told me to never question what I was told, they told me not to look where I’m not supposed to see, and they told me not to listen to what I am supposed to be. The problem was I’ve done all these things without them knowing... or at least that’s what I thought. Every day I questioned their choices, I wondered why they would not want me to know these things, why are all the people and I being told lies to cover up the truth? This was a question only they could answer but they never did.
Every day I saw things they told me were not true and knowing this made it impossible to look away. I seek the truth but I am not so sure I will ever find it. So I try to listen for clues and hear the message that they are trying to hide it with. My life is a lie and today is the day it will end, I will confront these powers and I will let them know that I am not fooled. I will demand the truth and nothing but it, because this is the day I will finally have all the answers to my questions.
I entered the building with my head held high with confidence because I am the one who stands up for what I believe in. I was at the main desk when I told the clerk I would like to meet the man who controls these lies. He sent me to the top floor where there was a long dark hallway with an old oak door at end of it. I entered the room and there was nothing, this made me wonder if there even was a single person controlling this maybe it was something I made up in my head or is it?

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